In-House Design Charrette

In-House Design Charette

Maybe you need to talk to someone and bat around a few ideas to discover if making the decision to renovate or move is the right choice for you.  Where do you start?  Who do you talk to?

Maybe you're not interested in buying anything right now, so having a commissioned salesperson present you with brochures, renovator checklists, and/or galleries of homespun ideas, is not what you need. You need information. Answers. 

So what do you do?

Is there an option available to you so you can talk with a design professional about what can be done and take a cursory look at what your options are?

Well, there is and it's the In-House Design Charrette.

An In-House What?

Your In-House Design Charrette is a 2 hour long session conducted at your home. The outcome is you are able to:
  • Establish goals for the project
  • Create a list of requirements
  • Apply a weight to those requirements
  • Create thumbnail sketches of the layout of the space
  • Review the existing infrastructure for risks
  • Review your budget to determine if it's in synch with your planned scope of work.
If this interests you, give us a call at 613 405 0524 and we'll have a short conversation to determine how the In-House Design Charette can help you.

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